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Our goal is to provide genealogy information, discover the roots of the Guske and Gustke families, try to reconnect with the German (Deutsch) relatives, and foster a closer relationship between our families.
"Genealogy Online has a good listing of archives and services as does Genealogy Toolbox. A name which tells it all is the Broderbund's Family Maker's Genealogy site. A site with many links to other sites is from Family Treasure Time as is Ancestry Home Town. If you are interested in charts, family crests you might connect with Genealogy Chart. If you need software help or archives help then try Roots Web or Genealogy Home. Other sites with links can be found at Genealogical, and Janyce's Root Dig."
The following are helpful for the Guske-Gustke families: 1. A good short history of Germany and of the area which seems to be the origin of our families. 2. Other list servers that are for German family histories. 3. A map of the cities of Neustradt (Wejherorowo-Polish), West Prussia (Westpreussen) Kolow, and Lauenbrug as a starting point of locating our families. This area is North to North-West and west of Danzig (Gdnask-Polish). 4. A good web site for research into German family histories. 5. Link to Hamburg emigrant lists 6. Pommern Villlage/Town lists.
The accepted present belief in the origin of the name Gustke is a Slovak word "gost" which means "guest" or "foreigner". The town, Gustkow (D3) in Pommerin, may orginate the name Gustke (Guske) or got its name from an early Gustke (foreigners) settlers. Gustkow is north of Butow, between this town and the river Stolpe.
Our Pomeranian Flag | Pomeranian Map | Pomeranian
History Summary |
Pomeranian History | Pomeranian Border States | Butow Area Late Middle Ages |
Pommern Churches | Danzig Map | Butow Area Middle Ages |
Wilhelm Gustke (Deutsch) father of Julius Herman Gustke(USA)
Wilhelm Gustke (Washington) 1890's
Guske Ancestors of Richard Konkel (Ferdinand Guske -Deutsch)
Edward Gustkey of West Virginia
last modified: 2/12/02