Wilhelm Gustke (Chicago) 1890's and brother Carl Gustke?
Informaton provided by Jack Guske from the State of Washington.
"The Fourth German Church on Noble Street in Chicago, now the reformed church, is still there. That's where I found the records on Wilhelm Gustke.
He worked in the International Harvester Plant (I think McCormack Deering), in Chicago and lived on the North Side. He met and married Earnestine Ropus and had five boys,
Wilhelm Gustke (1902)
Freiderick Gustke
. .....Jack Guske - Grandson
Otto Gustke
Harry Gustke
William Walter Gustke
.....Bill Guske
..... Caroline Guske
Wilhelm contracted lead poisoning while working in the paint shop and moved to Tacoma, Wash.
There is record of an August Gustke coming to the christening of William (in 1902) in Tacoma.
Wilhelm had a brother, Carl (rumored) who "went to Kansas and was never seen again." I tracked down a Cindy Sperra in Colorado who's grandfather was named Carl Gustka, from Chicago. (Gustke would be pronounced Goost-Kha) He's buried in Colorado just west of Kansas.
The real track on Wilhelm would be Odelia Krell. Odelia was Wilhelm's sister. She married Fred Krell, a florist in Chicago who had some dollars. So her obituary would be posted. But she married in a different church. That, I know. As for the other Guske's in Chicago, they are here and there, I've spoken to some of them, including one in Michigan at Port Huron.
Whilhelm Gustke had #5 son, William in Tacoma, Wash. his Son, Bill , was born in Gig Harbor. Coincidentally, Bill was the originator of the name Sea Hawks for the Gig Harbor mascot based upon some novel about a pirate called "The Sea Hawk" There you have it. Bill was an "X" Man working at the Skunk Works on the SR-71, others, area 51, etc. and the Steath Fighter as his last project. His daughter, Caroline, works in Hollywood for Universal as an illustrator. Her latest project, "Moses, Prince of Egypt" will be released next week. I am related to #2 son, Freiderick Gustke was born in Chicago and was my grandpa.
My branch of the Guske's are in The Seattle-Tacoma Area having been there since 1890. For your information, Caroline Guske was the illustrator for the Little Mermaid and the babe in Who Shot Roger Rabbit and most recently did work on Moses, Prince of Egypt. She works for Universal in Hollywood. Her dad, Bill Guske, worked for the Skunk Works, his most recent project before he retired, was the F-117. he did the tool package for it. and worked on the SR-71, the Blackhawk, and the F-104.
My Brother, Tom Guske, is a logger in Eatonville, Wash. I teach in Eastern Washington "